Thursday, October 29, 2015



In Pakistan problems associated with poor and middle class are seldom solved. The ruling class never let these problems grow out of proportion lest they become a threat to their rule. In 2014 polio
was the problem of poor; every year around 150 children were affected by the deadly disease with no affect on the elite class in the country. Polio has become a source of foreign funding for the country as well. Year 2014 became a blessing in disguise for the poor people of Pakistan, as polio started threatening elite class as well. Over 300 children were affected by polio in 2014. Polio free countries got threatened. In 2015 Polio Vaccination Certificate was made mandatory for Pakistanis travelling abroad. This sanction is enforce till today. In the past polio was not an issue for the elite class but travel sanctions started bothering the rich and privileged class. Now polio becomes a serious issue in Pakistan. In 2014, 306 polio cases were reported in Pakistan. In 2015, so far only 38 polio cases have been reported. If travel sanctions continue I believe in coming years we will surely be able to defeat polio.

At present polio is reported in only two countries; Afghanistan and Pakistan. Polio has long been eradicated from India and
Bangladesh. Last polio case in India was reported on 13 January 2011 in Kolkata. Thus on 24 July 2014 World Health Organization declared India a polio free country. The same year 306 children got disabled in Pakistan.

In 1978 smallpox was eradicated from the face of the earth. Now polio was the next challenge for WHO. In 1961 Dr Albert Sabin started research on polio vaccine. This vaccine was called Sabin
vaccine as well. Dr John Salk was the key member of Dr Sabin’s team. Dr Salk’s birthday October 24 is celebrated as World Polio Day. In 1985 the vaccine was ready to be used. In 1988 with the help of Rotary International WHO reiterated elimination of polio from the world. In 1988, 300,000 children were affected by polio. Only 150,000 children were reported in India. After 12 years only 4000 children were reported in the world with only 265 children in India.

In 2002 polio situation in India was worse than that of Pakistan. WHO Chief Bruce Aylward, once remarked that lest India polio would be eradicate from entire world including Pakistan.
With Dr Sunil Bahl of WHO in Delhi
countries prove Bruce Aylward wrong. India defeated poliowhereas polio has become a stigma for Pakistan in the world. Now 80% world population is polio free. After Afghanistan and Pakistan Nigeria was the 3rd country affected by polio. In Nigeria last polio case was reported on 24 July 2014. Nigeria has also been declared a polio free country. Now Afghanistan and Pakistan are the only countries in the world struggling against polio. Analyst believe that polio is bigger threat to Pakistan than terrorism and tough task to deal with this disease,but some says polio is linked with terrorism in Pakistan, if terrorism rooted out Polio will be eradicated as well

Donors like Rotary International and Gates Foundation believe that polio will eradicated from the world by 2020. Can Indian model help us getting rid of polio in Pakistan? During my visit to Delhi I put this question to Rotary International’s Chief Deepak Kapoor
Talking to Deepak Kapur of Rotary in Delhi
and WHO’s focal person Dr Sunil Bhal. Both of them believed that we need daunting efforts to eradicate polio from Pakistan. The ugly wall of polio is collapsing, it need one all out effort. Government, people of Pakistan and donors with their joint efforts can surely eliminate polio. For this we may not be waiting for 2020. I hope sincere efforts can defeat polio much before the deadline.

I traveled to India to pursue this story in Journalist exchange programme with India  sponsored by East -West Center 

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