Defining word ‘cooperation’ seems so awkward in SAARC where
one of its member refuse to use a bulletproof car of another member country and
bagged a vehicle with him onboard a plane and look at the lovely host Nepal that own
only two bulletproof cars in the country using its President and primer and
what can be drawn from this 18th summit of 8 nation club where, 2
main player of the forum dose even not love to face each other, thus no meeting
of Pak India premier is fixed in 2 day long summit underway in Nepal’s capital Kathmandu. In Pakistan majority of its people and analysts also advising PM Nawaz to not shake hand with Modi after some harsh statements came from Modi cabinet defense minister Jatly .This is not a new scenario or a fresh phenomenon, its prevailing from decades and SAARC fail to narrow this trust deficit between two nuclear rival and off course neighbor too.
of Pak India premier is fixed in 2 day long summit underway in Nepal’s capital Kathmandu. In Pakistan majority of its people and analysts also advising PM Nawaz to not shake hand with Modi after some harsh statements came from Modi cabinet defense minister Jatly .This is not a new scenario or a fresh phenomenon, its prevailing from decades and SAARC fail to narrow this trust deficit between two nuclear rival and off course neighbor too.
South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) was
established in 1985 with the aim of economic cooperation of seven countries
located in South Asia. Afghanistan was given membership as 8th state
in 2007, the combined economy of SAARC is 3rd largest in the world
in terms of GDP as purchasing power parity after the United States and China.
Despite being so powerful and important regional club SAARC could not prove
itself as relevant as other such economic blocks in the word. SAARC has six
Apex bodies namely SAARC Chamber of commerce & Industry (SCCI), South Asian
Association for Regional Cooperation in Law (SAARCLAW), South Asian Federation
of Accountants (SAFA), South Asian Foundation (SAF) , South Asian Initiative to
End Violence against Children (SAIEVAC) and Foundation of SAARC Writer and
Literature (FOSWAL). These bodies exist only on papers with some offices and
office bearers also exist but nothing to deliver practically.
After observing the
activities of this white elephant (SAARC), it is easily derived that the
existence of such forum is worthless for
its member countries and sure no weight among other nations. Number of
deliberations and proposals are discussed among member’s and other
analysts to improve its performance but results are the same that no
For better results this forum must be expand with 2 more
nations from South West Asia, that obviously China and Iran to balance power
and better usability of this club and curtail it to only economic cooperation.
In existing SAARC 2 powerful and rival nations Pakistan and India, with their
so many conflicts is major hurdle to bring cooperation among member countries
and not breakthrough is possible unless these 2 remain opponents. To overcome
this phenomenon two more powerful and impotent nation is needed to bring in and
expand this forum to enhance profitability. A European Union like economic
block it may be established. Good relations between Pakistan and China and Iran
between India will help to resolve difference between India and Pakistan as
well. By entering China and Iran in the ring will attract rest world to give
weight age to this forum and it may be called as SWAARC (South West Asia Association of Regional
Cooperation) instead of SAARC.
Pakistan should take this initiative to make SAARC as SWAARC to take China and Iran in
confidence initially and ask Iran to contact India as both have good relations,
thus this could be start for betterment of this rejoin. If this established
then conflicting issues brought into light between India and Pakistan in the
presence of China and Iran along with other SWAARC members. Common roadmap to fight against terror
to settle Afghan issue should be chalked out. Kashmir issue may create problem,
to deal this issue Kashmir should be given under UNO for at least 25 years and
Pakistan and India focus only on economic prosperity for their masses. I am on
the view that with existing SAARC will not come out of the India Pakistan
conflict shadows even it work for next 50 years or so.
Writer Jabbar Chaudhary is a broadcast
journalist working as producer content development and editorial in Express
News, He tweets @ajtabassum
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