India, lead by newly elected Prime Minister Nrendra Modi played a smart move by inviting SAARC contries head of states to witness his oath ceremony. Pakistani prime minister Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharief is between the deep and the devil see after receiving this invitation . Till now Govt could not decide weather accept the invitation and witness the occasion or turned it down. PM Nawaz seek advice from ministry of foreign affairs on this and according to latest information MOFA advised PM to refrain to attend the ceremony.
Day earlier Indian media reported Mr.Sharief tend to fly to India,at that time i rang up to spokesperson of Foreign office Mrs Tasneem Aslam and she replied" We received the invitation and matter is under consideration and no decision is made yet.Its too early to determine that PM is going to India or not,she added".
In Pakistan there are split opinion on this specific issue. But one thing is final that Mr,Sharief will face criticism in both situations. If he choose not to going, the liberal factions of the country will not like that and all those who think Pakistan should build good relation with India will defiantly disappointed and if he (PM) decide to attend the ceremony, the conservative faction will take PM on task and declared that Nawaz Sharief sold the blood of thousands of Muslims in Gujarat and of course in Kashmir.
On other hand every body know the thinking of Mian Nawaz Sharief, he is in favor of building good relation with India and resolve conflicts between the two neighboring countries,so on his account he definitely want to shake hand with newly elected Govt of Modi.Mr, Sharief will also keep in mind the viewpoint of Pakistani Military establishment,that might play a major role to decide this invitation.
To take view a Military person on that, I contacted Lt Gen(R) Talat Masood , Mr masood categorically has view that Mr.Sharief must attend the ceremony, "There is no loss by going there and may be Pakistan will be single out by India or other powerful players of the world by not honoring this invitation", he said.Mr Masood on a view that this is a good chance to show a positive gesture of sincerity that Pakistan is willing to resolve issues with India".
India played smartly and no doubt a very smart move needed from Pakistan as well.I have a view on this that Minister must go to India to show his will to keep good relations with India and should not stay there at night and not even needed to meet Modi One on One.This could be a smarter one.
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